Here's a nice lot of vintage Tupperware meat keepers. These are great for marinating or just storing meats.

I'm pretty sure that I have here a hot dog keeper, a bacon keeper, a cold cut keeper and I'm not sure what else. Feel free to comment and set me straight. I will update this post to be as informative as possible.
The large one on the bottom is for marinades.The tight fitting lid helps prevents spills,flip it during marinading time. I have 2 of them ,I think I bought them in the 70's and I use them all the time, especially when grilling. I hope this was helpfull. Enjoy.
The bottom one is a season serve. LOVE LOVE THE BLOG!!!!
The one on top, if it was mold number 794-7 then it's the bacon keeper. The color is called Paprika. Do you have any idea what year these were made. I have the same bacon keeper and I know my Mom had a bunch this same color growing up so it's got to be 70's or 80's. I'm a consultant and I love collecting vintage pieces :-)
My sister-in-law has a large, deep piece which is sort of oval shaped. It has an insert with handles. Not sure what it is called or the exact purpose,but she uses it to store her cooked ham. She is able to just lift it out of the container on the insert. I would like to have one, but I don't know where to find one. Could you be of an assistance? Thanks!
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